Friday, May 29, 2009

Everywhere you go...

What. Up? 

So it's been a fair while since my last posting. At least I'm consistent hey? I hear the cries and complaints from you guys on a regular basis. 'Every where you go, always take your business with you...' Fuck off that's just not on, just not viable, just not right, just so wrong. I'm trying here dudes. Trying to make ends meet. Finishing my academic career on a high note. Sacrifices must be made. I'm afraid one of those sacrifices may have to be these lovely articles or posts or reports that I engineer every so often.

Enough of my excuses and rhetoric. Today is a special day. It's a Friday (so let's all go to Forries) and this Friday is marked by the lack of the two day hangover indicative of a Cobras Wednesday night jol. In ever so strange circumstance the Cobras will now be playing their league fixture on a Sunday. A Sunday? Yes, a Sunday. The traditional day of rest. Needless to say there shall be no rest, not for the wicked. I say wicked because the reason we are playing on a wonderful Sunday afternoon is because our Manchester United supporting members insisted that they be allowed to watch their team get thoroughly raped by a slick outfit of greasy Spaniards. What a waste of a Wednesday night. What an utter waste. Bleak. I'm upset. The bangbang opportunity has been wasted and we're forced to motivate ourselves to stop studying and play rugby. I'm less than impressed. I am unhappy. Nonetheless we'll pull the proverbial socks up and have a cracking game on Sunday.


I'm using a slightly different format here;

Max 14C

Min 9C

There's a thirty percent chance of precipitation in the greater Cape Town area. Please keep in mind that things can change and that a weather man, although amazing, can be wrong at times. I am, afterall, slightly human. 

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