I managed to catch up-and-coming star cobras wing Matteo Viotti on jammie steps this week, very casual look on his face whilst he stares onto the plaza searching for something to catch his eye, despite his busy schedule he agreed to answer a few questions:
Ya very well, spent some time in plett with the folks, good few board games and a few rounds of beach cricket, very relaxed. Been sitting the gym a lot, working my squats and push-ups every night, despite winter, I like to wear vests and tight tshirts so keep the girls guessing.
You mind if I ask you a few questions for the Cobras website?
Please do.
Ok, what is your first memory of the Cobras?
My first memory would have to be receiving a majestic purple cap after drinking outve a swetty Artus boot for best newcomer and the great feeling of realising when downing a beer that I was "a cobra till I die".
Who was your first game against?
First game: Against the Cats
What is your preferred position on the field?
What is your preferred position on the field?
Wing when unfit, fulback and outside center when not, however aspiring to be flyhalf but that may be in the far future.
Preferred position of the field?
Preferred position of the field?
Prefered position off the field: waking up due to sunlight beating on my face and the realisation "oh fuck I slept in my car last night again, mustve been a great fines"
What is your favourite Cobras song?
What is your favourite Cobras song?
James "bailo" Bailes's song, I'm alive awake allert enthusiastic, often find myself doing it in the shower to get to those hard to reach places.
What for you is the best bird watching spot on campus?
Has to be at souper sandwich, if a chick is rough enough to chow through a whole sub, she's either a keeper or well could make our front row. I like to every now and again hide in a ladies toilet cubicle, just incase a babe comes in and I can look one the wall.
What is your current relationship status?
Currently available, recently come out of a vibe with a res girl from durban.
Where can one find Matteo Viotti on a given night jolting?
Where can one find Matteo Viotti on a given night jolting?
All nights generally seem to end off with me in the streets of claremont.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I would hope to find myself being able to wake up whenever I want and have a be a person in a high place deligating people to do my job.
Castle or Black label?
Black label all the way
Who is your Cobras Role Model?
Role model has to be the trusty Warren Butler, his bulletting skip passes are a pleasure to be on the receiving end of.
If you were stuck on a desert island, which Cobra would you take with you and why?
If you were stuck on a desert island, which Cobra would you take with you and why?
Stuck on an island I'd definately choose evan straus, he's so hard he would break down trees for shelter and in the evening he could sing some great campfire songs.
Cobras FTW?
Cobras for the fucking win. Oh so brave
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