My time as the resident interviewer this season has taken me too many interesting places. Front passenger seat of Poefie’s old mans Aston, the AG head offices, the dungeons at the UCT library (its a real place), a Greek church (whatever they’re called) but the most far out and broadening of which (in my mind at least) was visiting our engineer friend, Fridge, in Hout Bay. I donned the safety cloves, face mask and crotch protection items all in the name of health and safety, walked through a chaotic and noisy industrial factory with many folk hitting metal and melting what looked like old wheel burrows only to walk into a pristinely cleaned office to find, Fridge sitting in front of a computer playing spider solitaire. ‘Oh hi’ he said. ‘I’ll be right with you, I’m almost finished’. That’s where a four year engineering degree gets you I guess...
Explain the nick name fridge, if you would?
Well, it all started in std 6 back in 1999... our year at school had an indecent obsession with student head shapes, and derived many nick-names from this obsession. So, back when Bobby Skinstad was still the darling of Newlands, and hadn't yet defected to that pack of rats they call the Sharks, i got a bit of a short back and sides hair resembling old bob's. Unfortunately it made my head look completely square - thus the nick name Fridgehead. (other Head nicknames from my year include bushead, lollipop and lippe)
How many and which internal league teams did you play for before seeing the light and becoming Fridgey the Cobras man?
hmm.. 4
wildboys - 5 years
marquad - 2 years
soco thocos - 1 year
college house - one game.. haha
Marital status?
why does everyone ask me when i'm getting married.. the pressure, gosh!
professional surf/engineer on the weekends
What’s it like representing the Purple and White?
its bloody fucking fantastic.. neither my liver nor i have experienced such a vibe!
How stoked are u about playing in the final on Thursday? Excited sleepless or petrified sleepless nights?
To quote Kearnsy: " this is where the experience comes in".. but a slight mixture between excited and petrified.
How do you rate the Hudson’s burgers?
average.. jokes.. pretty good... is that were we are fueling up on wednesday night?
Preferred position?
the reverse cowgirl!.. haha.. flank
Favourite Cobras drinking song?
oooooooooooh wazza's fuckin magic
Cobra till you die?
for sure.. which is probably pretty near for an old boy like me!
Explain in your own words the vibe in the Cobras camp leading up to the all important match on Thursday?
focussed, deadly, unstoppable..oh so brave
Favourite hangout spot?
Nothing beats the old forresters
How many surf boards do/ have you owned?
had 8, currently only have 5.. need some new ones though
What does your match day ritual consist of?
passing the ball around with lusky, until i pass it over the stairs, then joke around with junks for a bit, then stretch!
Is your boss a doos?
nah, he lets me off at lunch time on fridays to go surfing
Drink of choice?
Pint of Castle
Where d you see yourself in 10 years?
Playing for the cobras!
Shoe size?
Favourite band?
Kings of Leon definitely rock my sock off!
Best Cobras memory thus far?
i would say Luke and Bailo's send off but i cant remember much from that night.. otherwise cobras tour and administering a beat down on stumpi in fight club!
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