From Warren Oupa Kelly
Fellow Cobras...
I joined this team in 2008 after having spent 2/3 years playing for other franchises in the UCT Internal League. I had no idea that I had just begun a journey with a group of okes that would involve unforgetable moments, mental motivation and uncontrolled madness both on and off the field.
Wednesday mornings I'd wake up thinking about a victory that evening on the Green Mile, nervous but excited. During the day I would visualize Raubs smashing over frightened opposition, Army bringing down giants, Warren B crusing through half-gaps, Kyle Rennie hitting okes back over the advantage line, Smorey carving up backlines, and woogy headbutting nadoes boneheads. Thinking about playing with the Cobras was all I could do.
It is the culture of this team that makes us a hard team to beat. Never did I get the feeling that a cobra wasn't putting every ounce of his purple heart into his performance. When it comes to motivation, what better way to find it than to look into your team mates eyes in the huddle before kick off and know that every oke is itching to do his part. Putting body on the line is never in question.
When you run out against the Nadoes today, be calm. You already know you are champions. I have played with most of you, I have seen the talent, the guts and the fucking glory. Give the cobras name everything you have on that field, because it will give back to you like you cannot imagine. Hit them hard boys, dazzle that crowd, and take home that cup, whatever it takes.
Oh so incredibly brave
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Everywhere you go...
Keeeeeeennnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooooo! Good day Gents. And what a goooooood day it is. I can't tell you how I've been feeling for the last 48 hours. Waking up in cold sweats, nervous when the phone rings and scared of sunshine. I want this. I need this. We need this. It's the day of the final and my palms are sweaty. Five years from the inception of the Cobras on jammie steps we're in our second final with a team that seems (at least on paper) stronger than any we've fielded in the past.
Let's just take a moment here to rein in our emotions and reflect on past performances. Good and bad. Remember that shit nil nil draw up on a devilish evening on the Green Mile. Think back to that Herculean defense against a powerful Ubumbo side. Think back to those debuts, that sensational chip kick from Graeme Steen, that huge hit and those glaring mistakes. Think about them, learn from them and then forget them. Because tonight we wipe the slate clean. We build on positives and learn from the negatives. It will be a magnitude of game that most of us have never experienced. That none of us have played. For many it will be the pinnacle of our rugby carriers. It's final time baby! Let's take it home.
I'm giving my final weather report for the Cobras. So it would seem. What a journey it's been. What amazing blokes you all are. I often wonder if I would come across and befriend many of you in the CRFC. Imagine life without 'I want some Poeni, Poeni for me!'. Try to comprehend living a week where you don't get to hear- 'Sean, Sean, wherever you may be...!'. How different life is after Luc Du Plessis. The truth of the matter is we have, through one way or another, stumbled onto something so special, so unique that it is difficult to grasp who we'd be without the Purple Cobras. We wouldn't be half the men we are today. Swali Philanderer? Where do you think that name came from? I love going out at night with a non- cobra friend and run into one of the Cobras boys.
'How do you know that guy?' My friend may ask.
'He's a fucking cobra!' I'll respond.
It's a bond shared amongst a bunch of dudes that not many guys get to share. It's not gay. It's just the truth. Wherever you may go, and for however long you will always be a Cobra. That means a free couch and many free beers all around the world.
What I'm trying to say is this: Tonight we have the chance to put the cherry on the cake. We have it all. We've worked hard. So lets just go that little bit further. Another sixty minutes.
And so... with that out the way I am ready to give you a full run down of Cape Town's weather today. What the predictions are and what will really happen.
Weather for Cape Town, South Africa |
19°C | °F Current: Cloudy Wind: NW at 26 km/h Humidity: 52% Thu ![]() |
There you have it. Low temperatures with a strong NW. Nothing compared to the howling devil wind. I am predicting the wind to swing round into the SW towards late afternoon. This won't be too bad but it certainly won't be nearly as bad as the SE that makes the game one of two halves.
I've had my say. All there is left is for you boys to get the job done. Make it ahppen and we'll be singing songs into the early hours of the morning.
Always take the weather with you...
Tributes from the boys
A few of the Cobras who are currently abroad or unable to play sent in their words of encouragement ahead of tonights massive occasion. Let's go out there and not only represent ourselves and the team, but the okes that can't be here and who would have given their right arm to be able to play! This is our time...
Luc Du Plessis
Boys, manne, lads, chaps, buggers, distinguished Gentlemen of the Cobras
It’s unbelievably difficult to fathom the fact that I won’t be joining you in arms tonight on this momentous occasion.
As we speak I am overcome with an overwhelming emotion whilst engrossed in my own misfortunes (fuck flights are expensive) I wish things could be different, donning that no 8. Shirt, one last time, on a night like this.
But yet still in my despair there's an ominous cloud that washes over me, as I'm strangely comforted by the reverberations of immense Cobra's figures, it soothes my pain of missing out (FOMO) when I remember the quality of both the person and player alike – those men who form of part of the Cobras brotherhood and to-day for he who sheds his blood with you, shall be your brother.
I composed this little rhyme here for the boys: Enjoy!
Of what is to come is certainly going to be test
Of mans endeavour, his grit and his desire to be the best
For me it always starts there up front
Poenie and Badr bearing the brunt
Poefies and Jose –
team-players of the highest degree
Poefie the workhorse,
Jose - dangerous if you let him free!
To part of a backrow
Of such great men with heart
Fridge, Fetish and Rennie
They really set us apart
There’s stumpie or armie at halfback –
I know what you're thinking?
The one likes tall chicks,
the other one likes jinking
The men in centre,
I will never forget
For every opposition
they pose a double threat,
Lovely to watch –
they would always bust through
They're Oli, Jussie & Joush.
need-I remind you?
Out wide there’s JP & Coebie
They’re not short of toe
Junks works in Worcester baby
Probably the most hectic oke I know
Warren Butler
He is our the talisman,
He was there at the inception
when the Cobra began
He created such a vibe,
so special to us all,
So many a sing-song
That I can recall
He gave us a trip to Arniston,
Which stands clear in mind
Where Morrie and I won the golf
And some okes (Blakie) were fined
The legendary weather man
created a song for me
One which you will hopefully sing
When we drink out that trophy
Great characters, great memories
That I never will forget
This day will go down history
Boys play with no regret
All jokes now aside,
so bleak to miss the game
Lets dominate the Nadoes
and put them to fukin' shame
Draw inspiration from that great song and imagine that I’m the old man (much like Stefan Terblanche) speaking to you the Cobras on your journey to victory...”
“They stopped an old man along the way,
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to them as if to say, Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you.”
(Toto – Africa)
Boys its waiting there, now go win it!
having been lucky enough to play for many different teams and clubs around the world, no other team can even compete with the vibe and sense of brotherhood that the cobras offer. when you play for the cobras you know that everyone is going to look after each other on and off the field, something that not many teams offer. On top of that is what critics call the best fines meeting in world rugby, which puts together a potent mixture! They say that home is where the heart is, and i have no doubt that everyone who has had the privilege of playing in purple will keep and cherish this team for the rest of their lives.
wish i could be with you guys on this special occasion.
Alert, Awake, Alive, enthusiastic out.
oh so brave
Dil McEvoy
Throughout my year of traveling, undoubtedly the one thing I miss most about home is the Purple Cobras. There is just nothing else quite like it.
The first time I arrived on UCT B field at 6.30pm on a Wednesday evening with the wind howling down the Green Mile, I played a bit of touch with the okes to warm up, Stephen (Starven Steven) led the stretching, and I took to the field, full of nerves and hope. On that day I became part of something truly special. I became part of the Cobras. The team synonymous with flashy but fucking hard rugby. And after a night of merrymaking and chanting in the change room, the bond was sealed.
At the time I knew I was part of something great. But only now, being away from it, do I fully realize how extraordinary the vibe is. Now I don’t mean to get soppy and nostalgic, but these really are the days of your life. I’ve finished studying, I’m overseas and am now starting my career, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the opportunity to play for the Cobras again. But looking back on the memories I made and shared with The Cobras on the Green Mile, in change rooms, at the Bishops fields on a Sunday, at Wadda, Bang Bang and Forreys, those really were the best times of my varsity life. I would give anything to get them back, to be there on Thursday.
Lets get that fucking trophy engraved with C.O.B.R.A.S.
2010 – Year of The Cobras.
Oh So Brave boys!!
Nick Fent
where else would i have started? if it wasn't for the cobras i wouldn't have got to where i am today. This legendary outfit has created friendships and impressions that will last forever.. WE play great rugby and have awesome jols. You don't just "become" a cobra, its an honour and privilege to call myself a cobra! best of luck boys. know you'll do it.
Let's bring it home...
Luc Du Plessis
Boys, manne, lads, chaps, buggers, distinguished Gentlemen of the Cobras
It’s unbelievably difficult to fathom the fact that I won’t be joining you in arms tonight on this momentous occasion.
As we speak I am overcome with an overwhelming emotion whilst engrossed in my own misfortunes (fuck flights are expensive) I wish things could be different, donning that no 8. Shirt, one last time, on a night like this.
But yet still in my despair there's an ominous cloud that washes over me, as I'm strangely comforted by the reverberations of immense Cobra's figures, it soothes my pain of missing out (FOMO) when I remember the quality of both the person and player alike – those men who form of part of the Cobras brotherhood and to-day for he who sheds his blood with you, shall be your brother.
I composed this little rhyme here for the boys: Enjoy!
Of what is to come is certainly going to be test
Of mans endeavour, his grit and his desire to be the best
For me it always starts there up front
Poenie and Badr bearing the brunt
Poefies and Jose –
team-players of the highest degree
Poefie the workhorse,
Jose - dangerous if you let him free!
To part of a backrow
Of such great men with heart
Fridge, Fetish and Rennie
They really set us apart
There’s stumpie or armie at halfback –
I know what you're thinking?
The one likes tall chicks,
the other one likes jinking
The men in centre,
I will never forget
For every opposition
they pose a double threat,
Lovely to watch –
they would always bust through
They're Oli, Jussie & Joush.
need-I remind you?
Out wide there’s JP & Coebie
They’re not short of toe
Junks works in Worcester baby
Probably the most hectic oke I know
Warren Butler
He is our the talisman,
He was there at the inception
when the Cobra began
He created such a vibe,
so special to us all,
So many a sing-song
That I can recall
He gave us a trip to Arniston,
Which stands clear in mind
Where Morrie and I won the golf
And some okes (Blakie) were fined
The legendary weather man
created a song for me
One which you will hopefully sing
When we drink out that trophy
Great characters, great memories
That I never will forget
This day will go down history
Boys play with no regret
All jokes now aside,
so bleak to miss the game
Lets dominate the Nadoes
and put them to fukin' shame
Draw inspiration from that great song and imagine that I’m the old man (much like Stefan Terblanche) speaking to you the Cobras on your journey to victory...”
“They stopped an old man along the way,
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to them as if to say, Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you.”
(Toto – Africa)
Boys its waiting there, now go win it!
having been lucky enough to play for many different teams and clubs around the world, no other team can even compete with the vibe and sense of brotherhood that the cobras offer. when you play for the cobras you know that everyone is going to look after each other on and off the field, something that not many teams offer. On top of that is what critics call the best fines meeting in world rugby, which puts together a potent mixture! They say that home is where the heart is, and i have no doubt that everyone who has had the privilege of playing in purple will keep and cherish this team for the rest of their lives.
wish i could be with you guys on this special occasion.
Alert, Awake, Alive, enthusiastic out.
oh so brave
Dil McEvoy
Throughout my year of traveling, undoubtedly the one thing I miss most about home is the Purple Cobras. There is just nothing else quite like it.
The first time I arrived on UCT B field at 6.30pm on a Wednesday evening with the wind howling down the Green Mile, I played a bit of touch with the okes to warm up, Stephen (Starven Steven) led the stretching, and I took to the field, full of nerves and hope. On that day I became part of something truly special. I became part of the Cobras. The team synonymous with flashy but fucking hard rugby. And after a night of merrymaking and chanting in the change room, the bond was sealed.
At the time I knew I was part of something great. But only now, being away from it, do I fully realize how extraordinary the vibe is. Now I don’t mean to get soppy and nostalgic, but these really are the days of your life. I’ve finished studying, I’m overseas and am now starting my career, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the opportunity to play for the Cobras again. But looking back on the memories I made and shared with The Cobras on the Green Mile, in change rooms, at the Bishops fields on a Sunday, at Wadda, Bang Bang and Forreys, those really were the best times of my varsity life. I would give anything to get them back, to be there on Thursday.
Lets get that fucking trophy engraved with C.O.B.R.A.S.
2010 – Year of The Cobras.
Oh So Brave boys!!
Nick Fent
where else would i have started? if it wasn't for the cobras i wouldn't have got to where i am today. This legendary outfit has created friendships and impressions that will last forever.. WE play great rugby and have awesome jols. You don't just "become" a cobra, its an honour and privilege to call myself a cobra! best of luck boys. know you'll do it.
Let's bring it home...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The time has finally come...
After an extremely long season, the Final is finally here...and what an occasion it looks set to be.
UCT Internal League Championship Final
The Cobras vs. Tornadoes
Meet 18:00 SHARP below Cecil
Kick off 19:30
This is it Gentlemen, let's grab it with both hands.
Oh so brave
NB: Please bring Cobras Jerseys, don't forget.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fridgey the Cobras man

My time as the resident interviewer this season has taken me too many interesting places. Front passenger seat of Poefie’s old mans Aston, the AG head offices, the dungeons at the UCT library (its a real place), a Greek church (whatever they’re called) but the most far out and broadening of which (in my mind at least) was visiting our engineer friend, Fridge, in Hout Bay. I donned the safety cloves, face mask and crotch protection items all in the name of health and safety, walked through a chaotic and noisy industrial factory with many folk hitting metal and melting what looked like old wheel burrows only to walk into a pristinely cleaned office to find, Fridge sitting in front of a computer playing spider solitaire. ‘Oh hi’ he said. ‘I’ll be right with you, I’m almost finished’. That’s where a four year engineering degree gets you I guess...
Explain the nick name fridge, if you would?
Well, it all started in std 6 back in 1999... our year at school had an indecent obsession with student head shapes, and derived many nick-names from this obsession. So, back when Bobby Skinstad was still the darling of Newlands, and hadn't yet defected to that pack of rats they call the Sharks, i got a bit of a short back and sides hair resembling old bob's. Unfortunately it made my head look completely square - thus the nick name Fridgehead. (other Head nicknames from my year include bushead, lollipop and lippe)
How many and which internal league teams did you play for before seeing the light and becoming Fridgey the Cobras man?
hmm.. 4
wildboys - 5 years
marquad - 2 years
soco thocos - 1 year
college house - one game.. haha
Marital status?
why does everyone ask me when i'm getting married.. the pressure, gosh!
professional surf/engineer on the weekends
What’s it like representing the Purple and White?
its bloody fucking fantastic.. neither my liver nor i have experienced such a vibe!
How stoked are u about playing in the final on Thursday? Excited sleepless or petrified sleepless nights?
To quote Kearnsy: " this is where the experience comes in".. but a slight mixture between excited and petrified.
How do you rate the Hudson’s burgers?
average.. jokes.. pretty good... is that were we are fueling up on wednesday night?
Preferred position?
the reverse cowgirl!.. haha.. flank
Favourite Cobras drinking song?
oooooooooooh wazza's fuckin magic
Cobra till you die?
for sure.. which is probably pretty near for an old boy like me!
Explain in your own words the vibe in the Cobras camp leading up to the all important match on Thursday?
focussed, deadly, unstoppable..oh so brave
Favourite hangout spot?
Nothing beats the old forresters
How many surf boards do/ have you owned?
had 8, currently only have 5.. need some new ones though
What does your match day ritual consist of?
passing the ball around with lusky, until i pass it over the stairs, then joke around with junks for a bit, then stretch!
Is your boss a doos?
nah, he lets me off at lunch time on fridays to go surfing
Drink of choice?
Pint of Castle
Where d you see yourself in 10 years?
Playing for the cobras!
Shoe size?
Favourite band?
Kings of Leon definitely rock my sock off!
Best Cobras memory thus far?
i would say Luke and Bailo's send off but i cant remember much from that night.. otherwise cobras tour and administering a beat down on stumpi in fight club!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hey Mikey you're so fine...

Cobi managed to fit me in between his early morning gym session (7am) and his late morning library session (10am) to give us a few words on his tenure with the Cobras men. A very busy man indeed, but his tan never seems to suffer...
How long have you been apart of the Cobras?
I've been with the Cobras since the beginning of 2008 so almost three years now hey.
Cobras till you die?
Of course
Please tell us why you despise Locnville (spelling) so much?
I don't actually despise Locnville as much as people think, I just don't really understand the fuss about their music, not my style to be honest.
Who do you rate is better Cooper or Carter?
Carter is solid but I'm going to have to go with Cooper, he's a magician and I enjoy the way he plays - especially in the Super 14 this year
As this is your 3rd year with the Cobras what’s it like representing the purple and white?
It's always a great thing to represent and be apart of such amazing vibe, on and off the field
Favourite rugby team (other then the Cobras of course)?
Favourite rugby team (other then the Cobras of course)?
What does your Tuesday evening pre match ritual consist of?
Just a chilled night at home hey, a little spagbol or something and take it easy, nothing too hectic
How many cell phones have u lost in the past 2 years?
How many cell phones have u lost in the past 2 years?
Including ones that weren't my fault/broke/etc? around the 8 mark..
If you were a travel agent (or something) and people were sitting of the fence over going to Infanta or not, what would you tell them in order to make them go?
Anyone who understands what Infanta is about can second me when I say that it really is a place just to get away from everything. Okes go there to chill, fish, surf, braai and things like that. But you have to be prepared food and booze-wise because the closest shop is an hour away. You can't explain it, you have to check it out to understand it..
Do you really drive a station wagon?
Give us some highlights of your Cobras career thus far?
Varsity cup tour to PE and Arnies tour are the two which come to mind
Drink of choice?
tequila & red bull
Local hangout?
uct library
What u studying at UCT?
Bcomm - finance & economics
Rugby hero?
Matt Giteau - he dominates in his decision making and execution
What do you do to unwind?
Watch some TV, play guitar, mabye head to infanta if I have enough time off
Favourite Cobras chant and or drinking song?
'Oh Van der Vyfer' is a personal classic but otherwise 'We are the best there's no debate na na na NA...' always gets me going
What do you want to do when you grow up?
I want to be involved in the finance world, its too early to tell exactly what or where but that's the exciting thing
How stoked are u for the final?
Can't describe how amped I am, it's going to be a huge match and I'm 100% confident that the boys can take this if we play like we have up to this point
Got a date for the formal yet?
Got a date for the formal yet?
Not yet, have to keep the ladies on their toes till the last moment...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Seven days to go!

Seven days to go until the 2010 UCT Internal League Final...
23 September 2010
The Cobras vs. Nadoes
19:30 UCTRFC A-Field
The Road to the Final:
Cobras 10 - 7 Magic Lions (M.O.B)
Cobras 10 - 0 Spanners
Cobras 54 - 0 College House
Cobras 40 - 5 Smuts
Cobras 40 - 5 Shebeen Boys
Cobras 0 - 0 Kopano (Cobras take 5 points, no show)
Quaterfinal: Cobras 33 - 6 Ikhaya
Semifinal: Cobras 15 - 3 Ubumbo
Points for: 213
Points against: 26
Played 8
Won 8
Lost 0
Oh so brave...
Poefda Pretorius

Yes you are!!
Whilst cruising around the city bowl in the passenger seat of Mr Pretorius Snr’s average Aston Martin, sipping on a latte and gorging on a three cheese muffin from Vida, I managed to whip out the not pad and jot down a few answers from the questions I was firing at my fellow lock partner.
Explain, if you would, the story behind the great name ‘Poefies’?
I really wish the story was alot more spicy but unfortunately it's pretty blan; 1st day of boarding school some oke called me "poefter", I haven't looked back since.
When did you earn your first Cobras cap?
My 1st Cobras cap was back in 2006 under the captaincy of one Tom Brukman, hell what a team!
As a slightly older figure in the side, whats your view on the vibe this year in the camp?
I'm really loving the vibe this year, there's a good core group of players that are passionate and committed to the cause. By looking around in the change room before the game you can see that the okes won't settle for anything less than a win and a trophy at the end of the season.
How do you rate our chances in the up and coming final?
I honestly think we can do it. There are some awesome combinations in the side and the guys look like a formidable unit overall. I had the privilege of reffing a cobras game this year and being the closest "spectator" I could see how unstoppable the boys are when they get going. We just need to keep our heads about us and go through the motions the same way we've done all season.
Who’s you rugby idol, is it really Krynauw Otto?
Funnily enough my rugby idol is not the big KO but I prefer to look up to Tiaan Strauss, honestly, block speaking Afrikaans with an Aussie accent!
Beer or spirits? Have you tasted a Castle Light draught?
Tiger or Tin Roof? Tiger
Have u ever taken your Landie off road?
Every Sunday when I park next to Woodlands before touch.
As a man who loves and appreciates the great coastal destination that is Hermanus. Give us a few words about the majestic place incase there are a few out there who aren’t all that familiar with worlds greatest beach dorpie (a proven fact, look it up) Herms?
Hermanus is the best place in the world, fact. It's the perfect distance from Cape Town, world class golf course, awesome beaches and the fish and chips at Hermanus Fisheries is out of this world.
What’s your handicap? 7
What do you do for a little ‘me’ time?
I try to get out on the golf course as much as possible, but nothing beats a jog up to Rhodes Mem.
What makes up your breakfast on match day?
"Oats-so-easy" and a latte from Vida, sensational combo.
What’s it like being a working man and still studying?
It's tough, but I can't just be a student anymore, so I was really keen to do something else while I study. It takes a good balance that I'm still trying to find.
For the okes put there that don’t know, what is it exactly that you do (work wise)?
I'm help run a scuba diving magazine, basically it's a free, high gloss, A3 size magazine. You get it by subscribing online and it comes out 4 times a year. I do everything I can from selling advertising to writing articles, it's a really cool way to learn everything there is to publishing a magazine. We are in the process of launching a wine magazine using the same, successful, media model we use for the dive mag.
What would you do if you didn’t play rugby?
Refing the game is something that I've taken up this year so I would definitely try and give that a good run and see how far I can get.
Any messages you would like to pass on to the new up and coming youngsters in the Cobras ranks?
It's a great vibe to be apart of, there are so many friends to be met and, barring league rugby, there aren't many sports that you can feel part of a team as much as rugby. The Cobra's brand is a proud one and I would like to see the name being carried around UCT for as long as possible.
Explain, if you would, the story behind the great name ‘Poefies’?
I really wish the story was alot more spicy but unfortunately it's pretty blan; 1st day of boarding school some oke called me "poefter", I haven't looked back since.
When did you earn your first Cobras cap?
My 1st Cobras cap was back in 2006 under the captaincy of one Tom Brukman, hell what a team!
As a slightly older figure in the side, whats your view on the vibe this year in the camp?
I'm really loving the vibe this year, there's a good core group of players that are passionate and committed to the cause. By looking around in the change room before the game you can see that the okes won't settle for anything less than a win and a trophy at the end of the season.
How do you rate our chances in the up and coming final?
I honestly think we can do it. There are some awesome combinations in the side and the guys look like a formidable unit overall. I had the privilege of reffing a cobras game this year and being the closest "spectator" I could see how unstoppable the boys are when they get going. We just need to keep our heads about us and go through the motions the same way we've done all season.
Who’s you rugby idol, is it really Krynauw Otto?
Funnily enough my rugby idol is not the big KO but I prefer to look up to Tiaan Strauss, honestly, block speaking Afrikaans with an Aussie accent!
Beer or spirits? Have you tasted a Castle Light draught?
Tiger or Tin Roof? Tiger
Have u ever taken your Landie off road?
Every Sunday when I park next to Woodlands before touch.
As a man who loves and appreciates the great coastal destination that is Hermanus. Give us a few words about the majestic place incase there are a few out there who aren’t all that familiar with worlds greatest beach dorpie (a proven fact, look it up) Herms?
Hermanus is the best place in the world, fact. It's the perfect distance from Cape Town, world class golf course, awesome beaches and the fish and chips at Hermanus Fisheries is out of this world.
What’s your handicap? 7
What do you do for a little ‘me’ time?
I try to get out on the golf course as much as possible, but nothing beats a jog up to Rhodes Mem.
What makes up your breakfast on match day?
"Oats-so-easy" and a latte from Vida, sensational combo.
What’s it like being a working man and still studying?
It's tough, but I can't just be a student anymore, so I was really keen to do something else while I study. It takes a good balance that I'm still trying to find.
For the okes put there that don’t know, what is it exactly that you do (work wise)?
I'm help run a scuba diving magazine, basically it's a free, high gloss, A3 size magazine. You get it by subscribing online and it comes out 4 times a year. I do everything I can from selling advertising to writing articles, it's a really cool way to learn everything there is to publishing a magazine. We are in the process of launching a wine magazine using the same, successful, media model we use for the dive mag.
What would you do if you didn’t play rugby?
Refing the game is something that I've taken up this year so I would definitely try and give that a good run and see how far I can get.
Any messages you would like to pass on to the new up and coming youngsters in the Cobras ranks?
It's a great vibe to be apart of, there are so many friends to be met and, barring league rugby, there aren't many sports that you can feel part of a team as much as rugby. The Cobra's brand is a proud one and I would like to see the name being carried around UCT for as long as possible.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Final Preview...
It's the Dream Final that everybody has been waiting for; Steinhoff Purple Cobras face off against their archrivals Steinhoff Tornadoes for the bragging rights of becoming 2010 champions.
The Steinhoff UCT Internal League Finals will be played on Thursday, 23 September which will see all 16 teams in actions on the night. The league has been divided into two sections, the Championships Section as well as the Cup Winners' section.
Steinhoff Tornadoes, the 2009 champions, will contest the Championships Section against Steinhoff Cobras after reaching the final with a convincing win over the Magic Lions in the semifinals.
Both teams playing a different brand of rugby - the Steinhoff Cobras are well known for their defensive game and quick counters, whilst the Steinhoff Tornadoes are best known for their attack-orientated approach; all of which makes for an interesting 2010 Final.
Although playing for the Championship trophy, these two teams are also playing for the rights to participate in the Steinhoff Koshuisrugby Championships - which, of course, takes place at the same time as the 2011 Varsity Cup tournament.
Finals: Thursday 23 September 2010 Championship Section
19:30 Steinhoff Tornadoes vs Steinhoff Cobras
A - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Magic Lions vs Steinhoff Ubumbo
B - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Ikhaya vs Steinhoff Wild Boys
C - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Spanners vs Steinhoff Smuts
A - Field
It's the Dream Final that everybody has been waiting for; Steinhoff Purple Cobras face off against their archrivals Steinhoff Tornadoes for the bragging rights of becoming 2010 champions.
The Steinhoff UCT Internal League Finals will be played on Thursday, 23 September which will see all 16 teams in actions on the night. The league has been divided into two sections, the Championships Section as well as the Cup Winners' section.
Steinhoff Tornadoes, the 2009 champions, will contest the Championships Section against Steinhoff Cobras after reaching the final with a convincing win over the Magic Lions in the semifinals.
Both teams playing a different brand of rugby - the Steinhoff Cobras are well known for their defensive game and quick counters, whilst the Steinhoff Tornadoes are best known for their attack-orientated approach; all of which makes for an interesting 2010 Final.
Although playing for the Championship trophy, these two teams are also playing for the rights to participate in the Steinhoff Koshuisrugby Championships - which, of course, takes place at the same time as the 2011 Varsity Cup tournament.
Finals: Thursday 23 September 2010 Championship Section
19:30 Steinhoff Tornadoes vs Steinhoff Cobras
A - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Magic Lions vs Steinhoff Ubumbo
B - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Ikhaya vs Steinhoff Wild Boys
C - Field
18:30 Steinhoff Spanners vs Steinhoff Smuts
A - Field
Friday, September 10, 2010
Interview time

Mano was kind enough to lend us his time and give us some thoughts on his tenure with the almighty, supreme, awesome, sick, legend Cobras!
Here's how it went down...
How long have you been a part of the Cobras?
Since first year- 2007.
Is it true that you were conceived whilst your old folks were watching the very popular (at the time), industry defining movie series of ‘Emanuel’? And therefore gave the name ‘Emanuel’.
I’ve avoided asking my parents about the time I was conceived- So maybe...
Are u Greek or Jewish?
Greek, but claim Jewish when I want to come right in the upstairs section of Fez… or get into Fez.
Cobras till you die?
F#cking of course!
Who do you rate is better Ricky January or Bolla Conradie?
Ricky is definitely a better looking terd.
As this is your 4th year with the Cobras what’s it like representing the purple and white?
It’s quite an honour playing outside the likes of Jussy B and Oli. Quite nerve racking as well as I don’t want to let down Oli. But I’m very proud to be a Cobra.
What does your Tuesday evening pre match ritual consist of?
I get to bed early- I know the tomorrow’s a big day. I find it hard to sleep because I’m thinking about tomorrow. I pop a speaker into the ear I’m not sleeping on. Music/playlists/rugby/peace with the inches speech… Hopefully I fall asleep soon, but unlikely- I’m anxious.
Give us some highlights of your Cobras career thus far?
Tour to P.EEEEE. The emergence of photographic evidence of Smorrie and Dugald ripping up that poor bus driver’s son’s clothes after getting kakked out by Dugald sr. Cian yakking on G at our first fines- racist!
Drink of choice?
Castle Lager, but thinking Castle Lite will be the beer for the summer.
Where’s your local hangout?
Kelvin waterside.
What u studying at UCT?
Finance and accounting.
Rugby hero?
Gio Aplon. He plays with a big heart and that’s what we want.
Favourite Cobras chant and or drinking song?
Oh van der Vyfer, you are the love of my life… I want curly hair too!
What do you do to unwind?
Rewatch some British Office, arrange my music collection, touch if its Sunday at 4pm.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
I'll be stoked if I become a CA. That's the plan. Have a big test on Monday, so will keep you updated.
How stoked are u for the final?
Very stoked
From the Cobras change room to the Aviva Premiership

Stuart Commins says he is settling into life at Franklin's Gardens and enjoying his time at the Saints.
8Share The 21-year-old scrum-half arrived during the summer after finishing his studies at the University of Cape Town, and after playing in the pre-season friendlies against Bedford and Dax he got his first taste of Aviva Premiership Rugby 'A' League action in the Round One match at Leicester.
And after having dried off from the deluge that hit Welford Road in the second half he took some time to reflect on his first few weeks at the club.
"Settling in has been easy, to be honest," Commins said. "The guys are great, the team spirit's unbelievable, and on and off the field things are going well. People are very friendly and that's the most important part. I've come here and I'm enjoying my rugby, and whether I'm at Franklin's Gardens or outside it's very special."
The trip to Leicester came 24 hours after Commins had experienced his first East Midlands derby from the stands, and he has already got a taste for the passion for rugby that this region of England has.
"You went to the Premiership game last Sunday and you can see the rivalry that exists between the two teams," he added. "There was a bit of banter going on both on and off the field! But it's great to see. The Saints have passionate supporters and it's always special when they get behind the team."
You can see the full interview with Stuart Commins highlighting exclusively at
Stu has been included in the match day 22 for the Saints game against Harlequins tomorrow.
Friday, September 03, 2010
The Cobras go marching ON ON ON!
The Cobras advanced to the Final of the 2010 Internal League with a commanding performance against a powerful Ubumbo side on Wednesday evening. This will be the Cobras 3rd final in 5 years, also their 3rd against the Nadoes, with the record being 1-1 in Finals.
After a few strong and inspiring words from Nick Koster in the changeroom the jerseys were handed out and The Cobras were ready. The game started at a frenetic pace with both sides giving it their all in the opening exchanges. Ubumbo serged hard in the opening 5 but The Cobras defence was impenetrable with play moving back up field in favour of the Cobras. After a well worked move down the left Cobras flyer VIVA JP Van Huffels made the telling break and offloaded to stalwart Olly Braithwaite who was greeted under the poles by half a dozen teammates sharing the moment with him. It didn't stop there as once again Ubumbo serged but again, and the story of the night, The Cobras defence was too much for the physical Ubumbo players.
The heart and commitment of every Cobra at the point of contact was something special, as Nick Koster said before the game, it's about the little battles on the field that win the games, and the contact situation was most certainly won by The Cobras.
After sucking up a lot of the big pressure from Ubumbo the Cobras played their patient game and with some tactical kicking made their way up into the Ubumbo half with a scrum. The experienced Kyle Rennie broke from 8, offloaded to Graeme Steen only to put Brendan Raubenheimer away to score just right of the upright, 12-0.
Again The Cobras sucked up the pressure, and after some massive defence held out only for Ubumbo to have a shot at goal, 12-3. The game continued with massive hit after hit as both sides weren't giving each other an inch on the field. The Cobras patiently made there way up field which forced a penalty which Warren converted making leaving the score at 15-3 at half time.
The Cobras were fired up and knew they were 30min away from a place in the final. The set pieces were being won, Warren Handley playing a massive role in the lineouts and scrums at hooker in only his second outing for The Cobras. The pack stood up to a far bigger pack than themselves and dominated from the word go. It was a great clinical performance from the Cobras as until the last minute the Cobras were being asked to defend with their lives. The game was won but still the hunger and heart of the men in purple in white paid off as the ref drew the curtain on what was a fantastic effort and great momentum for The Cobras ahead of the all important final which is on the 23rd of September.
Man of the Match went to Captain courageous Callan Artis, the man is unstoppable when it comes to looking for contact, he led from the front putting his body on the line every second of the game.
Another special fines evening happened straight after the game as The Cobras celebrated reaching their 3rd final in 5 years, which already is an achievement to be proud of. One more step to was the type of semi any team would have liked to have overcome going into a final.
Oh so brave
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
One more step...
Tonight is the biggest Cobras fixture of the season, and what a game it looks set to be. As the rain falls in Cape Town the men in Purple and White will still be looking to play their attractive brand of running rugby.
Semi-Final 2010
The Cobras vs. Uumbo
Meet 18:00 below Cecil
Kick off 19:00 UCT B-Field
This is it Gentlemen, let's fuckin do this...
Oh so brave
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