Palyer profile number 2 brings an all too familiar face to your screen, with none other the the heart and sole of the Cobras brand, ex captain and stalwart Warren Butler. Jose was lucky enough to hall him out of the Vega 'Apple Mac bru' com labs and this is what the man had to say.
Handing over the captaincy arm band this year, was it easy?
After a couple of years with the armband I think it was about the right time to move it along, and with a guy like Fetish taking it over, i'm 100% confident that he is the best man to be in charge...they also say a change is as good as a holiday.
As a Cobra co founder what do you think about the vibe in this year’s camp?
I think it's definitely up there with the best vibe that we have had in our 5 year history. Always great to see some new guys coming through the ranks and the squad has some brilliant characters and decent depth to it. It feels like a tight knit family at the moment and in my view we can only go from strength to strength this year.
What do Wednesday nights on the Green Mile mean to you?
Geez I try not to get too excited about it otherwise it makes the wait for a Wednesday evening even harder, but come Monday I’m raring to go and it’s close to the only thing on my mind during the week. To be able to play a hard game of rugby on a Wednesday evening and have a massive fines afterwards with all your mates really does give my week a far more exciting look to it.
A fishing Sunday or a Cobras touch session?
Although I do enjoy to Gooi Lyn every now and again there is nothing better than running out the booze from the weekend, watching Army trying to play touch while still enjoying his weekend, and Callan’s body just not agreeing with his weekend. It is always entertaining and definitely forms an integral part of my weekend.
Stellies jol or a Cape Town jol?
Tough one, depends on the night or party really. Stellies definitely has a soft spot in my heart but then again Cape Town is one of the best cities in the World, how could one deny that?
How do you carbo load on a Tuesday before internal league Wednesdays?
Look as some may know I’m a rather simple eater, with the benefits of living at home I do get that home cooked meal on a Tuesday evening, so whatever is put in front of me will usual have to do. Although back in the day in the White House one would be very nervous on a Tuesday evening before a big game, with a guy like Phil Rogers behind the stove you never really knew what you were getting yourself into.
What do you do for a bit of ‘me time’?
Nothing too hectic, do enjoy playing a little game where you try your hardest to make yourself as comfortable as possible for an extended period of time. Otherwise kicking back and listening to some music or talking a bit of kak here and there, although I do find kicking a ball pretty therapeutic.
Castle or that Black Label stuff?
Good question…I’m not 100% sure myself. Think it could be a mood thing really, always Black Labels in the morning and Castles in the afternoon. If I were at Forries I would probably go with a Castle, although those Black Label draughts are delicious too…shit I actually don’t know. I’ll have whatever please.
Most of us know that you join some of the Nadoes from time to time for a game of cricket. What the ultimate, a game of gentleman cricki or manly Cobras rugby?
Well Cricket has always been a good enjoyment of mine and it’s a great vibe playing Club Cricket, it’s also the perfect alternative to rugby. I enjoy both equally as much but there is just a little something more appealing to the Green Mile on a Wednesday night than long hot days in the field. Give me a ball and I’ll play.
Who’s your rugby idol?
I think I did every single Afrikaans mondelling at school on Corne Krige, he really is a big favourite of mine, hard as nails. But for brilliance and such composure it must be Dan Carter, that man is too good and someone who I think every flyhalf in the world looks up to. I’m also still a firm believer that Shaun Plaaitjies is going to make the Bokke end of year tour.
You bumped into Hugh Bladen in a bar, what would you do/ say to him?
A big high five, he knows he is hectic.
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