There will be a Cobras Braai this Thursday, the 14th, for all Cobras (past,present,future) It will give us an opportunity to celebrate last weeks victory, catch up with the ou's, and start our preperation for the knock out stages of the competition which begins next week!
The Braai will take place at the notorious White House, No.24 Bishoplea Road Claremont. Kick off will be at 5pm...please bring your own beer, a couple if you want to keep it chilled, or at least 12 for yourself, if you, like Army, plan on getting lank hectic and cheating on your girlfriend. We will be supplying the fires, so can you guys please bring enough meat for yourselves. 'Bokke and Tiger afterwards, you never know, stranger things have happened...
Cobras Team Braai
This Thursday (14th)
24 Bishoplea Road Claremont
Kick off: 5pm onwards
Bring: Meat and lank booze
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