Here the two, or one, however you see it, are seen together, as usual, ripping it up in England as they do. It was definitely their year in England that has influenced them to be the ones who week in and week out are closing the changeroom, and more recently the bar. These two will often be seen, together, by themselves, in the Rugby Club making sure they take full advantage of their Wednesday night. It's these type of guys that are hugely influential in keeping the vibe going...things can only get more hectic.
Will these two be in contention for the Boozer of the Year award at this years much anticipated Cobras Formal? We will have to wait and see...but it also depends on whether or not Blake Gowar lives to make the formal, because if he does....he will be hard to beat. Keep the good times rolling...
It also seems that Graeme and Starvin now have some competition to see which pair could be seen together more often than not...
Oh so brave...
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