Dugald getting "Real" with his homey
to comemorate and celebrate our dear curly friend i have uploaded Poodles favourite video of all time, ever, ever, forever. he loves it. This is the best and most amazing thing he has ever laid his eyes on. He cant get enough of it. he is obssessed with it. After the last few days i have recieved numerous sms's at all hours of the day from him simply quoting this video. wow, he really does love it. To illustrate how much dugald loves this video, his 21st party night ended with him and myself huddled over a computer screen at about 6am in the morning watching this video...
i think dugald enjoys this clip so much, because he sees himself in the main character, he really can relate to the ordeals the character endures and the person he transforms to... Dugald you are the Crack Fox!!
"It bloods.. from a cats face!!" - classic
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