As i'm sure you all know by now there are plans in the pipeline for a Sunday 7's tournament being arranged between the Internal League sides. It is going to be quite a festive vibe with the proposed sponser being some brewery. How its going to work is that we will hopefully be allowed to field two sevens teams, due to our huge depth this season. This will all help us in the long run because it will increase our fitness levels for our wednesday night clashes, and as we all know the main aim of the Cobras is to have fun, and get boozed. More details will come when we find out more about it, but just make sure we are all amped for this.
Thanks Jose...
To the guys that havnt told me if they can make it yet, ill need you to do so by the WEDNESDAY 30TH OF JULY (this wed coming up) And if you have already told me you coming, then let me know urgently if you will be needing accomodation, this is important because we will need to book, so either send me a message on facebook or phone/sms Warren on 0839502053. Please guys, we want to make this tour run smoothly so we can focus on biggers things such as the jol.
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