Now some of you might not know what the fuck this is about, but what you do know is that Dugald struggles to pull chicks and has been going through one serious drought lately, we know it has been dry and hot over the past few weeks, but this drought has extended way back to about August last year, no lies...this is no joke. Seriously. Well at Graeme's party he landed a catch of the season, no names for now but you can ask him when you next see him. He was seen walking around the party after pulling a good looking girl, bellowing as he does at the top of his lungs "When it rains, it pours!!" He proceeded to say this about 34 times in about an hour, as he simply could not hide his excitement. And he was spot on...that night it definately was raining for many Cobras, not only Dugald, but Raubs and Army okes are far too hectic.
Different Places, same sort of vibe...
So we look forward to our weekly Wednesday Night weather predictions from our new Weatherman Bug, he is never wrong. Maybe a new song for the man....Everywhere we go, always take the weather with you! As for Army and comment.