Saturday, March 08, 2008

Weather Reports...

It has been hard in the past when preparing for big league fixtures, in terms of whose going to be in the starting line up for the big game, how many cases of beer are there going to be for the fines but most importantly, what the weather is going to do come Wednesday night. Now as we all are students, most of us don't read the newspaper and therefor hardly every have a vague idea what the weather predictions are. But, this year we have decided to employ our very own weatherman for the season, so that we will be up to date with the weather every week before our fixtures. This new weatherman is known as Dugald McDonald, as he has heaps of experience on, you guessed it, giving accurate weather forcasts.

Now some of you might not know what the fuck this is about, but what you do know is that Dugald struggles to pull chicks and has been going through one serious drought lately, we know it has been dry and hot over the past few weeks, but this drought has extended way back to about August last year, no lies...this is no joke. Seriously. Well at Graeme's party he landed a catch of the season, no names for now but you can ask him when you next see him. He was seen walking around the party after pulling a good looking girl, bellowing as he does at the top of his lungs "When it rains, it pours!!" He proceeded to say this about 34 times in about an hour, as he simply could not hide his excitement. And he was spot on...that night it definately was raining for many Cobras, not only Dugald, but Raubs and Army okes are far too hectic.

Different Places, same sort of vibe...
So we look forward to our weekly Wednesday Night weather predictions from our new Weatherman Bug, he is never wrong. Maybe a new song for the man....Everywhere we go, always take the weather with you! As for Army and comment.

Pre-season fitness

As the Cobras third assault on the UCT Internal League is edging closer, one should surely be getting out on the road and doing some running as afterall it is fitness that is the key to internal league. However, everyone knows how boring and generally kak it is running around the Rondebosch common, which just reminds all of us about those 6am runs at Bishops in Std.6 and 7. Cobras have appointed a new fitness coach in the shape and small size of flying winger Dillon X. We mean fitness in terms of running and not pumping in Graeme's aunts room at his party, which he did get reeled for. Dillon has decided to challenge all Cobras to evening runs up Cecilia Forest, which from experience can tell you that its is awesome. Dillon and Starvin have been doing these runs since they were about 8 and therefore know the route back to front, last week saw and expedition of Dill, Starv, Olly, Army, Warren and Doug (Dillon's dog) conquering the mountain. Although Dillon, Starv and Doug were the only three to make it to the top, they did indeed leave a Cobras flag and a case of beer at the top for the guys who next conquer it.

The run can be done at your own pace with numerous stops, or as I like to call them 'lookout points' the views from the run are truly magnificent as you run through the forest and eventually get to points that look over the whole of Cape Town. So the challenge has been set for the Cobras in terms of pre-season fitness. This is how it works, most week days we meet in the Cecilia Forest parking lot which is on Rhodes Drive at around 17:15 have a little stretch and hit the run, it really is awesome and isn't too hectic to cope with. All are welcome and if you unsure if the run is on just send a little message to fitness instructors Dill X - 0724115282 or Starv - 0824699150 and they will let you know what time the run is happening. Rugby will be that much more fun when you are that much more fitter...let's bring it home.
Fitness instructor and Male Model Dillon X

Cecilia Forest (off Rhodes Drive)
Weekdays 17:15 sharp
Contact Dill or Starvin for confirmation that the run is on.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Cobras going to George...

As many of you might or might not know, there is a new aspect to the whole Varsity Cup vibe, and that is the 'Koshuis' competition, which is happening in conjunction with the 1st team competition of the top 8 universities in the country over Easter weekend in George. UCT are sitting top of the table in the 1st team competition after an impressive win of University of Johannesberg (greenest City in the world - Phil Rogers) So there is a UCT Internal League side going up to George to compete with the best Koshuis teams in the country.
Once again Cobras are well represented not only in the UCT 1st team but also in the UCT Colts. A Big congrats to Cobras Dayne Jans, Craig 'Ogre' Smith, Warren Butler, Oliver Braithwaite, Matthew Kelly, Warren Kelly and last but not least who is also captaining the side, Nic Roslee. The side is also managed by our main man Jordan Biderman Pam, congrats to him. So follow their progress and if you not doing anything over Easter why not light a tweak and take a slow drive up the coast to the small town of George and enjoy a rugby fuckfest with the top 8 universities in the country fielding two teams each...its going to be brilliant. Good luck to all Cobras representing UCT...Oh so brave.

'Cos you my Cobra...

A Big Happy Birthday must go out to Brendan Raubs as he finally reached the ripe age of 21, which many thought he wouldn't make for different reasons, one of them being that we thought we lost him to the "bushes" at Graeme's party last saturday, which by the way was a fuckin screamer! So Raubs this one goes out to you bud and we hope you had a smashing day, and if you can fit a game of touch in with your busy schedule, please come down on Sundays, you lazy fuck...Rauby Rauby Rauby!!!

Oh so brave...